Mosque Accessories Competition

The Concept

Throughout efforts of the General Secretariat of Abdullatif Al Fozan Award for Mosque Architecture towards the development of mosque architecture and the improvement of the internal and external architectural environment of the mosque, the General Secretariat of the Award announces launching the International Innovation Competition in Mosque Accessories

The General Secretariat of Abdullatif Al Fozan Award for Mosque Architecture seeks to develop the architectural solutions of the mosques based on contemporary standards and methodologies that will facilitate prayer and worship practices in mosques. It also seeks developing the inner environment of the mosque, as to be sustainable and comfortable for all people, including those with special needs. Accordingly, the General Secretariat announces this competition in process to have innovative designs for accessories and equipment that will help to enhance the improvability of prayer, worship, ablution, movement, visuals, audio and tangible essentials.

Creative and effective design for accessories used in mosques are required to facilitate prayer, worship and charity functions

Deadline is April 30, 2019

The jury will take a place after 3 weeks from the deadline then the final results will be released in the end of April.

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