Spiritual Moments

Ramadan is a Combination of Special Moments That Comes Once a Year. It has the exclusive activities that everyone is waiting for. Unfortunately, this year, many of these activities won’t be done because of the difficult situation that is facing the whole world and the special moments will be affected. However, We in Abdullatif Alfozan Award for Mosque Architecture in cooperation with Pictures n Ideas decided not to surrender, and we do our best to revive the spiritual moments of Ramadan.

Spiritual Moments campaign is an initiative by Abdulatif Alfozan Award for Mosque Architecture in cooperation with Pictures n Ideas to keep the spirit of Ramadan creatively. The campaign is not taking the religious activities but the creative ones that fill the gap of segregation happening because of the worldwide situation nowadays. It encourages people to virtually gather and keep the visual image of Ramadan through exhibitions, virtual meetings, interactive activities, and articles. Moreover, it inspires people to be creative and create their spiritual environment in Ramadan through the Design Ideas.

We believe that with the power of technology, we can keep the spirit of Ramadan and enjoy Ramadan together.

Our Vision

Helping people to face the difficult situation all over the globe and find their own way to a special, spiritual, and creative Ramadan

Our Goal

Together we can make this Ramadan more Creative

Visit the Campaign

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