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Abdullatif Al Fozan Awards
For Mosque Architecture.
architectural essence of the 21st century.
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In Collaboration between King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) and the Abdullatif Al Fozan Award for Mosque Architecture Islamic Art Conference Conference at Ithra will explore Islamic arts and crafts The Eastern Province Governor Inaugurates the Second Edition of the Islamic Art Conference at King Abdulaziz Center for World
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#Abdullatif_AlFozan_Award_for_Mosque_Architecture , In partnership with the House of Islamic Arts and in cooperation with the Presidency of Religious Affairs in the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, invite you to attend the architectural seminar entitled “Mosque Architecture: Globality of Place” on Sunday and Monday, 3rd and 4th Rabi’ Al-Thani 1446
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The Abdullatif Alfozan Award for Mosque Architecture has honored seven awarded mosques in its third cycle under the theme “Mosque architecture in the twenty-first century”, evaluating their unique architectural concepts as well its connectivity with local communities. The awarded projects came out of 27 mosques on the shortlist that competed for the
Abdullatif AlFozan Award for Mosque Architecture was established in 2011
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The fifth cycle of Abdullatif Al Fozan Award for Mosque Architecture (2023-2026) was officially launched on April 1st, 2023.
The 5th cycle of Abdullatif Al Fozan Award for Mosque Architecture (2023-2026) has officially started on April 1st, 2023.
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مسجد شركة تراد - إندونيسيا، من مساجد القائمة القصيرة في #الدورة_الخامسة
TRAD Japanese Mosque - Indonesia, one of the shortlisted mosques in the 5th cycle.
مسجد أولو الألباب - ماليزيا، من مساجد القائمة القصيرة في #الدورة_الخامسة
Ulul Albab Mosque - Malaysia, one of the shortlisted mosques in the 5th cycle.
مسجد كوشتيا - بنغلاديش، من مساجد القائمة القصيرة في #الدورة_الخامسة
Kushtia Mosque - Bangladesh, one of the shortlisted mosques in the 5th cycle.
مسجد جامعة تبوك - المملكة العربية السعودية، من مساجد القائمة القصيرة في #الدورة_الخامسة
Tabuk University Mosque - Saudi Arabia, One of the shortlisted mosques in the 5th cycle.